I am being extremely creative when it comes to dish choices and favors that I can have. I guess the hardest thing about day five and six was that I spent it with family members that aren't on a diet. It made me realize that the holidays are right around the corner.
Now, I love love love my family, so don't get me wrong; but dinner friday night while my parents enjoyed a pizza from the neighborhood delivery was painful. There I sat across the table from a large extreme garden veggie cheese covered pizza. My mouth watered the entire time while I was quickly stuffing my salad down so I could escape the fire burning temptation of PIZZA. Of course my adorable mother was trying so hard to tell me how proud she was of me for sticking to it, and of course all of that proud of me talk was while she ate the pizza that I will now be craving for 16 weeks.
Today was much better. I convinced the family to have veggie omelets for breakfast, something that is on my diet, and the day cruised on from there. My older brother and his wife are here for the weekend; which means I have more eyes to impress with my will-power and amazing determination to stick with this plan.
Lunch was less difficult than I thought it would be at a mexican restaurant, I wasn't craving the tortillas and chips near as much as the other night. I followed my plan and didn't miss a drop of water.
It wasn't until this evenings short trip to the mall that I even really remembered that I was dieting. That is when it hit me. Thanksgiving is in like 20 days, and Christmas is right behind that. A time when everyone keeps adding to your plate and sugar fills the air. I think I will gain 5 pounds walking in to the house filled with treats and pies. Not to mention cornbread dressing and gravy. I can eat the turkey, but that might be the only thing on this diet that we actually serve at Thanksgiving at the Landry-Morrow house.
I am open to suggestions from anyone that has done a strict diet over the holidays for how to actually get through this. All I can think about now is pumpkin pie and candied sweet potato casserole... oh hell
Stick with this! The holidays are coming, but remember: It Is Just Food. The point of all of these holiday gatherings is tradition. You want the food that is associated with Turkey Day; because it is tradition (I know it is yummy, too, but stay with me on this!) You can still have the tradition, sweetie. Eat your salad and veggies and turkey, or whatever you can have- it is just another day. Be thankful that you have a loving and supportive family that will help you get through this. Complain a little that you can't have what everyone is gorging on, and then laugh as they gain 5 lbs in that one sitting while you lose it. You are already drinking your water- when you start to crave something at dinner with the family, suck or crunch on an ice cube. You will fool your body into thinking you are eating because you are taking the appropriate actions, but it is just water and isn’t hurting you or your goal in any way, shape, or form. I have been on strict, doctor induced diets that prevented me from eating EVERYTHING that I love (especially when I couldn’t have chocolate and then had to cut and serve a triple chocolate cake to my staff. I couldn’t even lick the icing off my fingers; I was so devastated!!!) It is all in your head! Don't think of the memories associated with the food or even the taste. Look at the ingredients and tick off the calories of each one in your head. Breaking the facts down like that will also distract you from your craving! Take pumpkin pie: one 1/8th inch slice (which is the suggested serving size from a standard 9 inch pie) is 360 calories. Most people cut their slices to three times that size. That is 1080 calories for one helping; more than half of your daily calorie intake for some pie! If that doesn't help, then think of corroded arteries, and having to inject insulin into your hip every day. I know that is harsh, but sometimes you have to be mean to yourself for the greater good. You will thank yourself later after you have achieved your goal. And above all else- if you feel that you can't make it through Turkey Day Dinner, CALL ME!!! Take care of you.